Monitor Mounts - Monitor Arms - Monitor Stands

Promotion, orientation and information display stands

Görseldeki mönitörler 49" tir
27"ten büyük olan monitörlerin
zemine monte edilmesi tavsiye olunur

Code No: ST 518
Height adjustable multi-monitor stand
Vertical 2
Screen Size: 17" 27"
Product height: 75 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
Distance between vertical profile and monitor: 6.5 cm.
VESA : 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
The LCD connection panel attached to the vertical profile can rotate 45° around its own axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
LCD connecting arm is movable.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
Code No: ST 560
Height adjustable multi-monitor stand - 4 way
Promotion, orientation and information display stands

Screen Size: 17" 27"
Product height: 75 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
VESA : 100 x 100 - 75 x 75 - 50 x 50mm
Slope : 15° Return : 180°
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
It is coated with electrostatic powder paint against corrosion.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.

ST 512 Height Adjustable Monitor Stand
vertical single
Screen Size: 17" 22"
Product height: 40 cm
Carrying Capacity: 15 kg
VESA : 100 x 100 - 75 x 75 - 50 x 50mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
The LCD connection panel connected on the standpipe can rotate 360° around its own axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
LCD connecting arm is movable.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.

ST 527 Yükseklik Ayarlı Monitor Stand
Dikey ikili

Movable monitor arms
Screen Size: 17" 22"
Product height: 75 cm
Carrying Capacity: 15 kg
VESA : 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
The LCD connection panel connected on the standpipe can rotate 360° around its own axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
LCD connecting arm is movable.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
Code no: ST 517
Height Adjustable Monitor Arms
Vertical 2

Screen Size: 17" 27"
Product height: 75 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
Distance between vertical profile and monitor: 19 cm.
VESA : 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
LCD connection panel connected on a vertical profile
It can rotate 180° around its own axis.
It inclines 15° up and down.
LCD connecting arm is movable.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.

Promotion, orientation and information display stands

Kod No: ST 518
Yükseklik ayarlı çoklu monitör stand
Dikey 2 li
Ekran Ebadı: 17" 27"
Ürün yüksekliği: 75 cm
Taşıma Kapasitesi: 25 kg
Dikey profil ile monitör arası mesafe: 6,5 cm.
VESA: 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Ürünümüz metal profil boru ve çelik sac'dan imal edilmiştir.
Taban sacı 5 mm çelik sac.
Dikme profil üzerine bağlanmış LCD bağlantı panosu kendi ekseni etrafında 45° dönebilir.
Yukarı aşağı 15° eğim yapar.
LCD bağlantı kolu hareketlidir.
İstenilen yükseklikte bağlantı uygulamak mümkündür.
Çoklu monitör standları 3 yıl garantilidir.
Code No: ST 534 Monitor Stand - Horizontal 2 monitor suspension arm
Movable monitor arms

Screen Size: 17" 24"
Product height: 45 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
VESA : 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
LCD connection panel connected on horizontal arms can rotate 180° around its own axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
LCD connecting arm is movable.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.

Code No: ST 541 Multi-Monitor Stand - Horizontal 4

Movable monitor arms

Screen Size: 17" 24"
Product height: 75 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
VESA : 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
LCD connection panel connected on horizontal arms can rotate 180° around its own axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
LCD connecting arm is movable.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
Promotion, orientation and information display stands

Screen Size: 17"- 27"
Product height: 45 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
VESA : 100 x 100 - 75 x 75 - 50 x 50mm
Slope : 15° Return : 180°
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
It is coated with electrostatic powder paint against corrosion.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
Code No: ST 536 Monitor Stand Horizontal 2

Movable monitor arms
Code No: ST 558 Monitor Stand Horizontal triple
triple monitor stand

Movable monitor arms
Screen Size: 17" 24"
Product height: 45 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
VESA : 100 x 100 - 75 x 75 - 50 x 50mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
strut profile Thanks to the channels on it, it is possible to adjust the LCD connection arm at the desired height.
LCD connection arm can rotate 180° around its axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
It is coated with electrostatic powder paint against corrosion.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
Kod No: ST 544 Monitör Stand Yatay 4 lü

Ekran Ebadı: 17" 27"
Ürün yüksekliği: 75 cm
Taşıma Kapasitesi: 25 kg
VESA: 100x100 - 75 x 75 -50x50 mm
Ürünümüz metal profil boru ve çelik sac'dan imal edilmiştir.
Taban sacı 5 mm çelik sac.
Yatay kollar üzerine bağlanmış LCD bağlantı panosu kendi ekseni etrafında 180° dönebilir.
Yukarı aşağı 15° eğim yapar.
LCD bağlantı kolu hareketlidir.
İstenilen yükseklikte bağlantı uygulamak mümkündür.
Çoklu monitör standları 3 yıl garantilidir.
Code No: ST 565
Height Adjustable multi-monitor stand - 6 pcs
Screen Size: 17" 24"
Product height: 75 cm
Carrying Capacity: 25 kg
VESA : 100 x 100 - 75 x 75 - 50 x 50mm
Our product is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
strut profile Thanks to the channels on it, it is possible to adjust the LCD connection arm at the desired height.
LCD connection arm can rotate 180° around its axis.
15° up and down makes a slope.
It is coated with electrostatic powder paint against corrosion.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
It is preferred by banks, financial institutions, brokers, offices and workplaces, game console screen users, designers, graphic designers.

Movable monitor arms
monitor, stand, multi, multi, stand, apparatus, dual, double, quad, six, triple, vertical, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, screen, inclined, right, left, turn, up, down, LCD, LED
Special production is made for 27" monitors.
Totem Stand, Multi-Monitor Stand, Orientation and Information Display Stand

Screen Size: 17"- 27"
Product height: 120 cm
Carrying Capacity: 30 kg
VESA : 100 x 100 - 75 x 75 - 50 x 50mm
Slope : 15° Return : 180
Horizontal 2 monitor stand It is made of metal profile pipe and steel sheet.
Base plate 5 mm steel sheet.
It is possible to apply the connection at the desired height.
It is coated with electrostatic powder paint against corrosion.
The product should be used by being mounted on the floor or table.
Multi-monitor stands are guaranteed for 3 years.
Security Room Monitor Stands, Totem Stand, Multi-Monitor Stand,
Direction and Information Display Stand

Code No: ST 541XL

Totem stands are designed according to customer demand.
Totem stands are used by being mounted on the floor.
Totem Stand, Multi-Monitor Stand, Orientation and Information Display Stand
Code No: Totem ST 518 XL

Totem stands vary in size and quantity. is designed accordingly.
Totem stands are used by being mounted on the floor.